Gucci's new experimental online space in a dialogue between past, present, and future
“Vault is a project that I have worked on with dedication and care. It is an open laboratory in which to introduce new chemical agents to continue the experiment. For me, it’s a source of immense happiness that aims to put diverse energies into circulation and to celebrate my love for objects.”
— Alessandro Michele
Vault. An endlessly evolution
Feb 7, 2022
all fashion Fred Perry
photo and art direction Matteo Bellomo and Stefania Zanetti styling Michele Previsani make up and hair Edoardo Bacigalupi and Chiara Viola casting direction Allegra Ceni modes Human Street Casting
Gucci continues its exploration of uncharted territories in luxury by presenting its last innovation, Vault, an online experiment created by the vision of Creative Director Alessandro Michele in the spirit of a special concept store.
Its virtual shelves are fill up with past, present and future: a distinctive combination of rare vintage Gucci finds and new creations by handpicked designers, as well as brands dear to Alessandro Michele presented through exclusive capsule collections or curated selections.
The platform also represents Gucci’s presence in the metaverse by hosting crypto-based projects, including NFT drops such as the SUPERGUCCI collaboration with SUPERPLASTIC.
“For me, shopping isn’t simply about buying things. It is about establishing a connection with them, entering into a relationship. It is precisely this bond that has grown today. In my mind, I always had the idea to create a place in constant evolution where ‘impossible’ conversations between objects from different origins, creators, and eras could take place: central figures in a dialogue between past and present, able to spark future inspiration. I said to myself: ‘Why can’t a fashion house with a creative director also have a space for expressive, aesthetic, and social contaminations?’. I created it using the most befitting medium of our time – a place where all of us can go – the Web. And there, we concocted a laboratory; a mine of ideas, oddities, and unlikely encounters, considering that Gucci is a platform for gatherings of characters who seemingly have nothing in common. Therefore, Vault, is the place where wonders will hybridize and come together, giving life to new creations. Gucci’s greatest gift, in the end, is to never stay the same; to never grow old.”
— Alessandro Michele

Rare vintage pieces and exclusive capsules will be released at regular intervals throughout the year in limited quantities, ensuring an ever-exclusive offering. Vault, which can be described as an archive, a laboratory or even a library all at once, is in a state of continuous evolution, reflecting Alessandro Michele’s passion for experimentation, showcasing restored and customised archive pieces alongside the creations of emerging designers.
A place to expect the unexpected.
The vintage selection is made of rare pre-owned Gucci pieces, painstakingly reconditioned to the highest standards, including selected items customised by Alessandro Michele. “When I find these objects, to me they are like relics; mutant relics. We cared for them and chose them because we heard the tone of their voice; we put them in this sort of display window and I also treated them with love because I looked at them all again, examined them, and they became wonders.”
Another selection is inspired by 90’s multimedia concept stores selling the creations of emerging talents that sometimes challenge the conventions of fashion.
Vault’s creative idiom is also nourished through diverse mediums and therefore it nominates itself to become a space where diverse narratives take shape versatile and multi-faceted; it will let be possibile to discover digital short stories or poems that pay homage to the rare and the beautiful.

The latest releases will be highlighted on its dedicated Instagram account, @guccivault, and its Discord server, Gucci Vault.